
All travelogues for downloading or printing. German only, sorry mate.

Südkorea  9 January 2011 - 10 February 2011
Stopover Schanghai  12 October 2010 - 16 October 2010
Vietnam  11 May 2010 - 7 June 2010
Thailand  20 March 2010 - 8 July 2010
Philippinen  23 December 2009 - 19 March 2010
China / Tibet  15 September 2009 - 26 October 2009
Kirgistan  20 August 2009 - 14 September 2009
Tadschikistan  26 July 2009 - 19 August 2009
Usbekistan  13 July 2009 - 23 July 2009
Turkmenistan  8 July 2009 - 12 July 2009
Iran  22 May 2009 - 7 July 2009
Oman und Vereinigte Arabische Emirate  28 March 2009 - 21 May 2009
Jemen  5 March 2009 - 27 March 2009
Syrien  8 May 2007 - 6 June 2007
Türkei  2 April 2007 - 7 May 2007
Griechenland  2 March 2007 - 1 April 2007
Peru  27 September 2005 - 2 December 2005
Bolivien  5 August 2005 - 26 September 2005
Argentinien und Chile, zweiter Teil  23 May 2005 - 4 August 2005
Uruguay  10 February 2005 - 3 March 2005
Antarktis  14 December 2004 - 15 January 2005
Argentinien und Chile, erster Teil  8 November 2004 - 22 May 2005
Südafrika  8 August 2004 - 7 November 2004
Namibia  24 June 2004 - 7 August 2004
Botswana  3 June 2004 - 23 June 2004
Sambia  3 May 2004 - 2 June 2004
Malawi  3 April 2004 - 2 May 2004
Kenia und Tansania  12 January 2004 - 2 April 2004
Madagaskar  25 October 2003 - 11 January 2004
Prolog  21 September 2003 - 24 October 2003

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17.11.11 Geraldton, Australia

Western Australia – this is pure nature! Apparently, in endless dimensions at that! Not only ...
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South Korea

9 January 2011 -
10 February 2011

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South Korea

South Korea

9 January 2011 -
10 February 2011


"La unica realidad es el momento presente - pasado y futuro no tienen existencia real ahora."

"The only reality is the present moment – past and future do not have any real existence now."

Graffiti at a metro station in Buenos Aires

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